relocation tax best practicesRelocation Tax and the Mobile Workforce: Best Practices for Managing Employee Relocation Tax

Because the tax aspect of any employee relocation is so important, clear and continual communication with the transferring employee is essential. While it's the responsibility of the transferring employee to understand the tax implications of each relocation benefit, it's incumbent upon the employer and the Relocation Management Company (if one is involved in the process) to ensure that the tax implications of benefit usage are fully explained to the transferee.

The Relocation Tax Best Practices eBook will help to minimize tax headaches for employers and transferring employees. In this eBook, you'll learn about:

  • Tax treatment of Relocation Expenses for Employers and Transferees
  • Relocation Tax Best Practices
  • Relocation Policy Components and Taxability
  • Tax Guidelines for Homesale Assistance Benefits
  • Taxation of Lump Sum Programs