2024 U.S. Domestic Relocation Policy Best Practices

The current U.S. domestic best practices outlined here provide a useful starting point for developing or reviewing your own domestic employee relocation policy.

TRC-Domestic-Relocation-Policy-White-Paper-ThumbThis is a particularly dynamic time for companies that relocate employees within the U.S. Several overarching social and demographic trends are influencing how we work, relocating employees’ expectations, and client policy responses. And those employee expectations can vary significantly across generations, locations, and industries.

Domestic relocation best practices balance the employer’s need to deploy talent efficiently and cost-effectively with the quality of the employee experience. The best practices detailed in this ebook offer a valuable benchmark for developing or reassessing your company’s domestic relocation policy in response to this evolving relocation landscape.

These best practices address a range of considerations, from managing costs and minimizing disruption to employees’ lives to maintaining compliance with legal and tax regulations. Ultimately, your company’s best practices will be the policy elements most closely aligned with your corporate culture and business objectives.